A Personal Invitation to Retired Women

I recently received an email from Roxanne Jones asking for my help in getting the word out to other retired women about a book she and co-author Leslie Inman are working on.  Their upcoming book entitled Voices from the Other Side . . . of Retirement will become a guide for soon-to-be retired women.

You and I have been invited to be a part of this unique and compelling book. While most books about retirement focus on the financial aspects, Roxanne and Leslie want to speak to the emotional, physical, spiritual, and relational aspects of retirement. They want to include insights about how we prepared for retirement, what retirement truly feels like, what we’ve learned or would do differently. By sharing our stories and insights, we have the opportunity to help other women navigate the wonderful world of retirement.

I am pleased and honored to be a part of this project. To learn more about Roxanne and Leslie, their book, and how you can be a part of their project visit www.retirementvoices.com


“Smiles are Contagious; Let’s Start an Epidemic”     -Laura Smith-

Smiles of the Week are Roxanne Jones and Leslie Inman from http://www.retirementvoices.com




9 thoughts on “A Personal Invitation to Retired Women

    • Hi Liesbet
      Good to hear from you. I think Roxanne and Leslie’s project is a very interesting and worthwhile. I know when I was searching for retirement information in the areas they want to discuss there was a very limited amount.
      Hope your memoir is going well

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi, ladies! Thank you so much for your interest in our project, and for taking the time to complete our questionnaire. The more retired women we hear from, the more powerful and valuable this book can be! The foundation of this project is women supporting women–Leslie and I are very grateful for your support and for helping us spread the word.


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