Morning Pages

Every day l get up while the house is still quiet, grab a cup of coffee, climb back into my bed and spend about an hour free writing about everything and nothing.

I first started writing Morning Pages a year and a half ago after reading It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again-Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond, by Julia Cameron. I was still working and looking for a way to kickstart my retirement. Cameron’s Morning Pages, “the bedrock tool of a creative recovery,” kickstarted a lot more than my retirement. I knew I wanted to write, but up to this point, I was just dabbling. Writing bits and pieces of memoir and a short story here and there. Morning Pages have me writing every day. If  I can’t think of anything to write, I sit and listen to the day begin. Roosters crowing, the rain, an alarm going off down the hall. Eventually, a thought comes whispering in and I put pen to paper. Some of these early morning writings have found their way into my blog, some are creative musings, some are a form of prayer, most to lead to personal growth.


Often, I find it difficult to sit with the pages, wanting to escape writing what will inevitably lead to personal growth. These pages, generally, start out with me whining and complaining about some real or perceived injustice ultimately leading me to an “A-ha” moment. The light goes on and everything becomes crystal clear.  Sometimes, I ignore these revelations, because they expose me as part of the problem. (Me? Can you imagine?)

All too often, I close my notebook, get up and walk away. Eventually, the same problem will weasel its way back into my journal a week or so later and continue to do so until I act on it. That’s when it’s time to step out of my comfort zone and face things head-on. While this is both exhilarating and nerve-racking, Morning Pages is not a bull-in-the-china-shop approach. I’ve learned to take a deep breath, ask for guidance, and watch for answers.

Morning Pages have encouraged me to heal damaged relationships, confront addiction (I’m currently coming off sugar), make life-altering decisions, and decide what to wear to the party.

I’m proud of my commitment to my morning writing. I’m finding my creative voice and an outlet to approach life’s problems in an appropriate way.  It has opened my eyes to what’s really important, encouraged me to face my fears and celebrate beauty in everyday things. I see changes in myself, some subtle, some not so subtle and am excited to see where the writings will take me next.

There are three more aspects of Cameron’s book I am exploring. Solo Walks (no dog, no friend, no spouse, no cell phone), Artist Dates (also done alone to explore what might “delight you”) and, Memoir (a 12-week venture I will be stretching to 12 months). These subjects will be addressed in future posts. So, stayed tuned.

“Smiles are contagious; let’s start an epidemic”–Laura Smith

2013-12-25 15.29.15

Smile of the Week

14 thoughts on “Morning Pages

  1. Hi, I love reading your blog, its great to see that you have found that you can write and very well I might add. Susie and her kids are pretty much all writers, me not so much. Love you keep going


  2. This is a very personal post, Laura, and I love it. The benefits that your morning pages offer are mind-blowing and inspiring! I write a daily diary in the evening (since I was 14), and while it can be reflective, more often than not, I don’t feel like “more writing” (which I do all day long, whether it is for my memoir, blogs, emails, translation work…). I want to be done with it within minutes, but once I get started (usually, when I write it is hard to stop), it will be long and about 20 minutes have gone.


  3. I love writing in the early morning, Laura, while the house is quiet and the mental slate is clean (more or less). I don’t have as much time for writing as I’d like at this point, so my morning writing is usually directly related to my blog, but I like the idea of a free write. I may have to figure out a way to fit it in. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Christie
      You’re right. The mental slate is clean. It’s good to write before the brain gets all cluttered up. Many of my early morning writings have turned into blogs, so that’s a plus. Actually, writing my Morning Pages encouraged me to start my blog. As for time, when I was working, I got up 45 minutes early to write. Now that I’m retired…well, let’s just say, I get to sleep in for those 45 minutes (plus some), but I’m still up at 6:30 every day.


  4. HI Liesbet
    I get it. I often don’t want to write more later in the day or before bed. Writing my blog takes several hours over several days. Morning Pages are a priority for me because they help me navigate my world, from the mundane to the chaotic.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah yes, I whine and complain and bitch and moan. I call it clearing out the crap. Then…I can write something worthwhile. Like my TO DO List for the day.
      It’s always good to know others who are writing morning pages. Thanks for your support


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